Thursday 25 June 2009

Funky Fairy Inspirations - free downloads

There are some great Christmas downloads at Funky Fairy Inspirations that are absolutely free.  They had quite a few decoupage sheets that I thought would suit our masculine cards, like the one above.  If you download and use the free stuff, then make sure you link back to Funky Fairy Inspirations from your blog and acknowledge their input.  Just a short post tonight as it's rather late.  Night night.
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  1. Hi Donna, thanks for the link i will hop over there and have a look. I have never used digital downloads so will be a first for me :) Please nip over to my blog as there is a little something for you to collect ;)
    Love n hugs
    Vikki xx

  2. Hi Donna thanks for popping by my place, its good to see cards for men as I always have trouble with them and having 5 brothers I am always in need of inspirstion, so will be back very often.
    Hugs Linda

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Great site you have! And thanks for letting us know about these free downloads :D

  4. Just pop by to say I left you an award on my blog
    Hugs Linda
