Monday 10 May 2010

Challenge No.10

Another fortnight has whizzed by and here we are with our new challenge.  This week we welcome back my good friend, Claire from Hope Jacare with her wonderful images.

Our theme is 'Outdoors' and Claire has designed an image just for you guys to use (if you wish - it's not a requirement to enter the challenge).  Just copy the image below to your own computer.

For those of you who haven't seen Claire's work before, here's what she had to say for herself....

"I'm a SAHM with three young children. I trained in Textile Design at the Glasgw School of Art and I love all things handmade, but especially papercrafts.  I love to doodle ... and my doodles are available to purchase as digital images through Stitchy Bear Stamps."

Please go along and have a look at her work.  The prize from Claire is your choice of 5 Digistamps from her range.  Now lets get some inspiration from the wonderful team.

Issy has gone on holiday and as yet her scheduled post hasn't scheduled so I've just linked to her blog.  If Mr Blogger doesn't work for her then I'm sure she'll post it when she gets back.

Now that you've all got some inspiration and are raring to go, here's the rules:

The challenge is open until midnight BST (British Summer Time) on the 23rd May 2010 and the rules are

1. The card must be for a man/boy.
2. You need to follow the theme/sketch that is set.
3. It must be a new card.

Leave your name and a direct link to your entry (not just to your blog) in Mr Linky at the bottom of this post.  If Mr Linky is not there for some reason then leave the details in the comments and I'll add you in when I'm doing the draw.


  1. First time playing at Cards for Men and I hope to be back regularly. Lovely idea for a regular challenge - it helps take away the 'fear of man things' we often have! Glad I found you.

  2. YAY for the great outdoors!

  3. Fabulous cards girls! Great job with the images - Cheers Claire x

  4. I've joined in but obviously not for the prize girls......Cheers Claire x

  5. Always love your challenge. Thanks for a great site.

  6. Hi Girls
    great challenge,gorgeous DT cards as always, sue,x

  7. Great cards from the DT team, fab challenge too.

  8. What Great Challenges and I love that I have to do a card for a Man.

  9. Just found your site... what an inspiration! Looking forward to future challenges! I'm #58

  10. What a wonderful challenge, first time for me here and I love what I see. Great cards the DT-team has created, they're very nice.
    Love to play! ~Ira

  11. I just find your wonderful blog, and this is this is the first time i playing with your challenge.
    hugs Linda

  12. My first time playing with Cards for men. But with four men in my life- I`will be back ;)

  13. Great cards from the DT!!


  14. I see some first timers have posted comments above. I guess I'm an occasional participant. Now with summer and more time maybe I can enter every week!

  15. Great cards by the DT.Fab inspiration too.
    Lisa x
