Monday 5 July 2010

DT Call Winners and another member

Wow what wonderful entries we had for the recent DT call.  You always make these choices so hard.  Normally, I email the winners in advance of posting the results (to make sure they're still interested) but this time I couldn't find email addresses so lets hope you're looking, lol.

The winners are

Please email me on to sort out any all the details.

Before I decided to put out a DT call, I asked the current team members to suggest people they thought might like to join our team which is how we came to get Kym.  The other suggestion I had was Mandy who I'm delighted to announce has agreed to join us as of now.

So there you have it, thanks again to everyone who expressed an interest.  I wish we could take you all.


  1. Wow wow wow, thank you!!! Off to email you x

  2. Thank you so much for picking me to be on your DT I am so excited! Off to email you now. xx

  3. Well done all of you I can not wait to see what you all do I know you will rock it :D


    Amy xx

  4. Thanks soooo much for choosing me to be on your Design Team! I have emailed you. Look forward to working with you and the rest of the Design Team!x

  5. Hi Girls, I want to wish you all a very big welcome to our DT and I sincerely hope that your will enjoy working with the rest of us as we have a fabulous team leader and she really keeps us all under control. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxx
