Wednesday 8 September 2010

Challenge No 17 - Winner, Top 3, an apology and an announcement

Phew that's a lot for one post.

Better get down to business then.  The winner, as usual, is chosen using and here it is:

Congratulations, Designeal.  Email me on and I'll sort out your voucher code.

The top 3 this challenge were

Congratulations to you all.  Grab our top 3 badge from the sidebar and add it to your own.

Now what's next?  Oh yes, and apology.  Well really I wanted to send a big apology out to all our followers and to my wonderful Design Team because I really haven't been on here very much for the last month (or two) and have lacked motivation.  The design team have kept it all together for me and all our followers have made it worth while.  Thanks so much.  The reason for my lack-lustre approach lately (and here comes the announcement) is that my online shop, Donna's Den of Crafts, has been performing poorly for a very long time and I finally decided to close down.  I really have clung on as long as our pockets would allow and now the whole family has breathed a huge sigh of relief.

On the upside, there is a huge 30% off everything (automatic at the checkout) until the end of September so head over and see if you can grab a bargain.

I'm hoping that by the end of the month, you'll see the old me back again and thanks again for sticking with us.


  1. Thanks for picking me as one of your top 3

  2. My mother always used to say, 'as one door closes. another door opens'. You will come back fitter in mind and body when you close this door Donna 'coz you will have a new door to look forward to and also of course, as you so rightly say, CFM will have a refreshed leader raring to go!!!! Big hugs Viv xxx

  3. Congratulations to the winners, enjoy :o)
    I am so sorry to hear you have to close but it's perhaps understandable in this economic climate! Viv's right about one door closing and another opening, I have found this to be very true in my life!
    Good luck for the future :o)
    Jackie xx

  4. Thanks for picking me in your top 3. I am sad to hear about your business, but these things are a learning curve and you will be a stronger person for it.

  5. Your most welcome Donna, we all have burdens to carry and when this happens family should come first, and your boys and hubby are the most important thing in your life and should be your first priorty, and like Viv I believe when your back is against a wall the only way is forward. Good luck my love I hope the future brings you many rewards. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx
