Monday 11 October 2010

Challenge No. 21 - Happy Birthday

Another fortnight whizzes by.....and onto our new challenge.  The challenge this time should be useful to most people as the theme is 'Happy Birthday'.  No other stipulations except our golden real ' it must be for a boy or man'.

I'm so pleased to welcome back our sponsor, Heather, from Fresh Brewed Designs.  She's always a great help and lets us pick images for our cards, but this time she has also given me an image for you guys.

Now, you don't have to use the image, but if you do, please remember to give credit and a link back to Fresh Brewed Designs.  Please don't pass it on to friends but refer them back to here to get their own copy. EDIT:  Image now removed as challenge closed.

Here's what Heather told me about herself and her company, when I asked her.

Hi. I am Heather Dennis. I am a homeschooling mother of 2 wonderful children, the wife of 12 years to the love of my life, a Christian and the owner of Fresh Brewed Designs.  I have loved to draw and create ever since I was a child. My daughter has inherited my love of art and recently inspired me to start creating again.

All the images in my shop are hand drawn. I offer a wide range of images from coffee, cute and inspirational.I also  love to create custom drawn images, so if you are looking for anything in particular, please feel free to drop me an email.

So guys are you ready for some inspiration?  Here goes.....

Tommy Cowboy

Aren't they wonderful?  Hopefully we've given you a number of ideas.  The prize up for grabs is 3 images of your choice from Fresh Brewed Design so to help you get started here are the rules:

1. The card must be for a man/boy.
2. You need to follow the theme/sketch that is set.

3. It must be a new card.

The challenge will close at 12 midnight (BST) on the 24th October 2010.  Leave your name and a direct link to your entry (not just to your blog) below.  If the link tool is not there for some reason then leave the details in the comments and I'll add you in when I'm doing the draw.


  1. Good Morning ladies!!!
    I am off to start our day of homeschooling, but wanted to stop by first and say that I love the cards you have created. WOW!!! They are all so cute and fun!!! Just the smile I needed to start my day. Thank you for the honor of sponsoring this challenge. I will be back later to hop through and leave the DT gals lots of love :D

    Heather Dennis
    Fresh Brewed Designs

  2. Hallo ladies, these are great cards, hope you like the birthday card my son has made for his friend, he has seen his big sister enter the odd challenge and asked for his to be put into one, and lo an behold, you had a birthday theme this morning. hugs

  3. Thank you for the image, Heather!

    What fabulous guy cards for inspiration!!

  4. Great DT cards and a great challenge....I always need guy cards - 4 brothers!

  5. Lovely card from the DT again this week, loved this weeks challenge.You never get to many bd cards.
    Hugs Dorte

  6. Fantastic DT creations! They are all wonderful. Love the birthday challenges.

    Hugs, Marjo

  7. thank you for a great challenge blog!! iv'e entered and i love the DT creations!!! well done!

  8. Great challenge, always need birthday cards. The DT's cards are great inspiration as always, thanks.

  9. Great challenge! I entered early this week and then Kiddlywink2(aged not quite 10)gave it a go today too!

  10. Pleasure to play along with you again this time ladies.
    Tine :)
