Tuesday 30 March 2010

Challenge No. 6 - Winner

Sorry I didn't get this done yesterday but it has been really hard to choose given that we had 104 (yeaay!) entries for Challenge no.6.

Our prize winner chosen by Random.org is

Helen.  Congratulations, Helen, let me have your choice of 3 digi stamps from our wonderful sponsor, Prairie Fairy and I'll pass the info on.  For everyone who didn't win, pop over to Prairie Fairy and have a look.  I know she's doing an Easter Blog Hop so you may have some fun as well as seeing some great images.  Thanks so much, Roberta for being our sponsor.

Now our top 3,

Well done, girls.  Grab our top 3 badge from the sidebar and add it to your blog.

Challenge number 7 is well under way now so have a go.  The theme is Humour.  We want to be giggling over Easter.


  1. I am so happy that my card made the top 3! Thank you very much for the great challenge!

  2. Congratulations to Helen, enjoy your prize :o)
    Congratulations also to the top three :o)
    Jacxkie xx

  3. Cool! So happy I made the top three! I added the blinky to my blog! :)

  4. Ooooh...I've only just seen this....thanks for picking me as your winner...I hope I'm not too late!
    Congrats to all of the 'Top 3' cards too!
    Helen x

  5. I'm thrilled to have made the Top 3. Congrats to the others too.
    Julie x
