Monday 12 April 2010

Challenge No. 8

Challenge no 8 is sponsored by Fresh Brewed Designs which is owned by the wonderful Heather Dennis.  I asked Heather about herself and FBD and here is what she had to say....

Hi. I am Heather Dennis. I am a homeschooling mother of 2 wonderful children, the wife of 12 years to the love of my life, a Christian and the owner of Fresh Brewed Designs.  I have loved to draw and create ever since I was a child. My daughter has inherited my love of art and recently inspired me to start creating again.
All the images in my shop are hand drawn. I offer a wide range of images from coffee, cute and inspirational.I also  love to create custom drawn images, so if you are looking for anything in particular, please feel free to drop me an email.

The prize up for grabs is a $10 gift certificate to spend at Fresh Brewed Designs and our theme this time is 'Fancy Folds'.  By that we mean anything other than a basic bi-fold card.  Of course there's also the golden rule of being for a man/boy.

The challenge is open until midnight BST (British Summer Time) on the 25th April 2010 and the rules are

1. The card must be for a man/boy.
2. You need to follow the theme/sketch that is set.
3. It must be a new card.

Leave your name and a direct link to your entry (not just to your blog) in Mr Linky at the bottom of this post.  If Mr Linky is not there for some reason then leave the details in the comments and I'll add you in when I'm doing the draw.

I made a but of a 'booboo' this week and neglected to give the Design Team all the details until yesterday when Shirley prompted me for the missing information.  Consequently, some may be a bit delayed in posting their card but here are some initial ideas for inspiration.

I'll add in the other DT cards as I get them but hopefully we've given you some ideas.  The details are on each person's individual blog.


  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!! What a fun challenge and LOOK AT THESE GORGEOUS CARDS!!! WOW!!! You ladies went all out! Stunning cards!!!
    Thank you so much for the kindness your DT has shown. It is an honor and pleasure to sponsor your challenge blog.
    Now, off to play ;)

  2. Fab DT work...fab challenge! Managed to get time to play this week!! woohoo!

  3. Awesome challenge! I have mine done, however I can't post to my blog until Thursday (as it's a bday card for hubby that my girls and I put together this evening!)

    Thanks for the challenge!

  4. Hi everyone. Thank you for all the inspiration from the DT girls, they are all fantastic. This is my first time entering and I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge. Happy crafting.
    Love Sandra xx

  5. Hiya!
    Great idea, I'm always looking for inspiration to make mens cards as I too am in a house full of men (Hubby and two teen boys).Just became a follower thanks Di xx

  6. What a great Challenge and fab DT cards.

    Here is my card

    Paula xxxx

  7. Always such great cards.. Love them and love the challenge.

  8. Another fab set of samples ladies :o)
    Jackie xx

  9. An awesome challenge - I made a side-step card for my brother-in-law!

  10. Great challenge.Fab DT cards. I thought a diamond top card would be good.
    Hugs Sonia xxx

  11. Tri-fold card for a surfer grandson - works out great for this challenge! I love the cards I've seen - this is an inspirational blogt - I always have trouble with cards for men and boys!

  12. I love doing these challenges. 3 grandsons, 1 son, 1 + 1(soon) sons-in-law, 1 brother, several nephews..... I need a lot of guy cards.

  13. Great challenge this time, a real poser.

  14. Just found your site and love it-I also need men cards in my life-Love all the cards

  15. Loved the challenge - enjoyed playing along with you all :).

  16. I am happy that I found out your site. This is my first time to play here. Thanks for the great challenge and inspiration.
